FAO Current Reception Class Children - Please Read... Continuing the Football Journey - Our Pathway for the Future - CURRENT RECEPTION CLASS CHILDREN If your Mini Baller attends Reception classes in school (4/5 years old). It's now a good time to consider your options to continue the football journey if you choose to do so. Our Vision at Mini Ballers has always been around giving children a head start, nurturing and coaching them in football fundamentals, and falling in love and enjoying playing team sport and being in a team sport environment. Our age groups in our soccer school are generally 3-5 years, which means after they have finished reception class and are moving into year one, it's Generally also time to move on from Mini Ballers 😢. There are some exceptions to this rule, and I will consult with some parents about this in the next few weeks. --------- At Mini Ballers we promote 2 options and recommend the following. Margam Youth Centre Junior Stags 🔵⚫️ or Giants Grave BGC 🔴⚫️ to play your grassroots football (Saturday/Sunday football matches, weekday training. --------- We also work in partnership and highly recomend Goalgetters Soccer School 🟡⚫️ who like Mini Ballers, offer a weekly football programme for your child to play extra football. Spaces at Goalgetters are in very high demand partically for the under 6s age group, but because you already attend Mini Ballers, all our Mini ballers have exclusive access to this age group. Some of our Mini Ballers already play at some of these options and are thoroughly enjoying their football in these settings. To be clear... you can play at either football club, and at Goalgetters the same time. If you would like your Mini baller to move up to Goalgetters in August, please let me Know as I need to pass a list to Matthew (the big boss at Goalgetters 😀). --------- If you would like some more infomation regarding Giants Grave BGC in the near future please send me a message --------- At the end of July, I will be supporting the coaching the new season Under 6s at Margam Youth Centre Junior Stags 🔵⚫️ Iv attached a poster with some more info, can you let me know if you are intrested, I have already spoken to some parents already and numbers are already looking good. Margam are also looking for some volunteers to help run this team in the future, without these people teams really struggle to run. I know some of you have come forward already, and if you are willing to help out? Please let me know a
lso. Appologies for the long message, and if you have any questions please get in touch
Please get in touch with ME to put your child's name down for GOALGETTERS AND MARGAM YOUTH CENTRE FC Thanks Ryan